New Digs! Woot!

Hello, Everyone!  Welcome to the new Wenzel Photography Blog!!  Please excuse the dust as I finish up this makeover and all the little details around here.  I think that I have everything set up and good to go but if you stumble across something that’s not working correctly please let me know.  

I am super excited about the new look and all the new features and I invite you to put your feet up for a few minutes and take a look around.  May I share a few of the things that are new around here?  You know I’m going to anyway, right?  Right.  Okay, here we go…


•  First of all, PAGES.  In addition to our Pricing page we now have lots of new pages right up there under the PAGES tab on the menu bar and they all contain fun stuff. 

  1. Ask Destiny will take you to our new Formspring page.  I foresee lots of fun happening over there, y’all.  Lots. of. fun. 
  2. What To Expect and Behind The Scenes will give new clients an idea of what a portrait session with Wenzel Photography looks like. 
  3. Client Reviews is where you can find out what other people are saying about us.  If you would like to submit a review of your own experience with Wenzel Photography, please do.  We love hearing from our awesome clients! 
  4. 365 Photos is where you can go to find all of the posts from my personal 365 Photos challenge in one handy dandy place.  Cool, huh?  This page will be updated as I post more photos.

•  With the start of this new blog I also intend to post more “personal stuff” every now and then.  I always love when bloggers are not afraid to let their readers have a peek into their lives, and I’ve been doing that every long once and awhile to a small degree, but I plan to be more “real” more often around here.  People want to connect to more than just a stranger with a camera, right?  I certainly do.

•  There are going to be more giveaways around these parts… starting this week!!  So, go ahead and subscribe to this new blog (down at the bottom of the page on the left) and “like” Wenzel Photography on Facebook so you don’t miss out on the giveaway announcements!  For those of you who have subscribed to our old blog, you will need to subscribe again at the bottom of this page.  Don’t worry, it’ll only take about 10 seconds!


I hope you all enjoy Wenzel Photography’s new home on the world wide web.  We sure like it.  :o) 

Thanks so much for visiting!  We would love it if you stuck around and joined the fun!

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